But I digress... Here is (for the most part) the collection of knitted works I've done over the last 3 years.

My first forray into the realm of knitting was this scarf with pockets. A lovely diversion while I spent my first year in hades- i mean - The University of Findlay.
It's not perfect, but I like it. It's warm. And it has pockets, which is great because I am always forgetting gloves.
After a few various scarves for other people, I was brave enough to try somthing that involved increasing and decreasing stitches.

The pattern was Unbiased from Knitty. I was feeling somewhat confident at this point. (Some might even say overconfident) When I was struck with a brilliant idea. "Hey, why don't I substitute the sari yarn for 100% wool, and felt the purse!" And I did this with absolutely no concept of gague and what happens to wool when you felt it. The result is that, in the middle, the purse is only 5 inches long.. aaaand i can't really use it as is or things will fall out of it. I keep swearing up and down that I'm gonna sew a zipper in there so I might actually be able to use it. Hmmm.. maybe I'll do that this weekend

I've made three of these. One for my cousin, and another for her friend, and this one here is my sister's... which I may have stolen a couple times this last winter.
What!? She wasn't going to wear it, her new Northface coat was pink.. and she was in a match-ey phase.
That being said I may make myself one before this next winter.

Bag one having been a bust... I decided to try again, but this time no pattern. By this time I had my own copy of Stitch n' Bitch and had careully read the section on gague. Thus I designed this rectangle with a seed stitch border.
This purse actually gets used quite a bit, particularly when I'm at school cause I can wear it and my backpack and keep my hands free. Also a fun purse for St. Patricks Day.

I have lovingly dubbed this The Sweater of Death. From Knit.1 magazine.. god only knows which issue.. All I know is I had to ask Rachel about 18 billion times for a new photocopy of the pattern cause I kept losing it.
It took me 2 1/2 years to finish the dang thing.... and I've learned two important things:
1.) always swatch
2.) I hate homespun
I need to do some adjusting and tailoring cause it's kind of ... huge... but believe me, when it's all finished I will wear that thing forever next winter.

This is Fetching from knitty.com.
Very easy knitting therapy. I love cables.
The basic pattern is the Hurry Up Spring Armwarmers from SnB Nation. But I substituted the tree branch thing for another cable pattern I found in Cables Untangled by Melissa Leapman
I think that's pretty much it! I don't know what I want to do next.. I kind of want to make a new sweater... maybe the Fairly Easy Fair Isle from SnB Nation. I've never done colorwork, and it intrigues me. But also, Rachel and I have both been dying to try socks... and we were thinking of having a sock knit-along. Or maybe I'll do both :) Alright.. I'm off to go pick up my sister from her friend's house.
p.s. Yessss! It's grey and overcast, and I do believe I detect a distant roll of thunder... Come on rain!!!
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